MCB Boxes are boxes specially designed to hold circuit breakers together along with their internal wiring. It is very important to use a good mcb box to avoid short circuits and it also protects the circuit breakers from any damage. They also support the circuit breakers in mounting rails and hold the fixtures. Some of the industrial-type distribution boxes or mcb boxes have industrial-type sockets along with the wiring and circuit breakers. There are several types of mcb boxes in the market as it is a broad category. Based on their uses and applications, there are broadly classified into domestic mcb box, industrial mcb box, SPN, and TPN.
A few decades ago, people did not use any kind of protection for circuit breakers and it was kept in open even after wiring. Eventually, the distribution box and mcb box came into existence. However, there were a handful of options in them mostly, metal mcb boxes were only used as there was no IP protection and less innovation. Now we have a huge range of options in the household or domestic type mcb box and even more options in industrial type. In the domestic distribution box, most often single door mcb made of ABS material or PC material is used. However, in the industrial distribution box, a wide variety of products are seen as follows:
• Single Door MCB Box
• Double Door MCB Box
• MCB Window Hood protection and MCB Enclosures
• GI conceal Box for Modular Plates
• Single Phase MCB DB Box
• Three Phase MCB DB Box
• Horizontal MCB Box
• Vertical DB Box
• Busbar chambers with tpn copper strip aluminum
• FRP pole box and meter box
Based on the individual’s requirement, they can be considered as it is available in different materials like PVC, ABS, and Metal which includes a powder-coated type. The powder coating process uses phosphating to increase the life of the box and avoid any dust.
There are hundreds of different distribution boxes available in each category of mcb boxes as each has a different dimension, specification, and properties based on our uses.
One of the main factors in choosing the mcb box is the no. of poles to be needed for the circuit breakers. These poles depend upon the current and ampere rating required in the particular distribution box. It can start from a single pole and can go to 16 poles normally but many times it can go a lot higher.
It is one of the most common products to be found as it is nearly used everywhere, wherever power supply and transmission takes place. It helps in the flow of power supply into each circuit and provides a circuit breaker for the same to avoid any electrical fault, thereby making it very safe to use.
It can be available for as cheap as 200-300Rs. for a local mcb box and can go to as high as over 10,000Rs. for high-quality IP protection rating special material mcb box.
We, at POWER N PACK, offer high-quality distribution box, mcb cover, mcb window hood protection, mcb enclosure, and various distribution box and distribution panel of both IP44 and IP67 rating and is available in metal and abs material. We offer all our products at an extremely affordable rate without compromising anything on the quality front.